Selayar is directed to become the Marina City of the World

MEDIA SELAYAR ■ Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi, is directed to become a World Marina City supported by the proposed development of a Tourism Special Economic Zone (KEK).
These efforts were realized in the Coordination Meeting for the Proposition of Selayar District's Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Tourism.
"Through the coordination meeting, we hope to accelerate the proposal of the Selayar Islands KEK," said Azwir Malaon, the Head of the Tourism Area Acceleration Team, recently.
Azwir said this year the Kemenpar was focused on completing the construction of five tourism SEZs in several destinations spread from the western end to the eastern end of Indonesia.
The five SEZ locations are in Sukabumi (West Java), Pangandaran (West Java), Likupang (North Sulawesi), Mentawai (West Sumatra), and Selayar Islands (South Sulawesi).
"The establishment of some tourism SEZs is expected to be beneficial to increase investment, optimize industrial activities that generate economic turnover among the people," Azwir explained in a statement received by SelayarPos.Com, today.
In line with Azwir, Selayar Islands Regional Secretary, Marjani Sulthan said all stakeholders presented were expected to be able to accelerate KEK in the Selayar Islands.
"We hope that the concrete recommendations about KEK will benefit the Selayar Regency Government," said Marjani.
■ Dimas Rasyid
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